Can You Die from Insomnia?

Can You Die from Insomnia?

One-third of adults in America don’t get the recommended seven hours of sleep. Even worse, those who aren’t getting consistent sleep could be suffering from a sleep disorder. Some mistake insomnia as episodic — a major reason why it’s a commonly...
Is Insomnia Genetic?

Is Insomnia Genetic?

If you’ve spent a restless night–or several–pacing the floor, counting herds of sheep, reading the most boring book you can find, trying anything to drift off to sleep, you may have wondered what causes your insomnia and what you can do to end the...
5 Surprising Effects of Insomnia

5 Surprising Effects of Insomnia

The effects of insomnia may seem all too familiar: you’re trying to fall asleep, counting sheep with your eyes closed, only to continue wrestling around in your bed with your thoughts. Maybe you find yourself waking up numerous times throughout the night and...


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