Sleep Apnea Testing

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that is often the root cause of many other health conditions. If you snore, wake up with a dry mouth or a headache, wake up still feeling tired, or suffer from medical conditions like type 2 diabetes or hypertension, you’re at high risk of suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and should consider taking a sleep apnea test.

A sleep study or sleep test can help you determine if you have this common sleep disorder, how severe it is, and help determine the right treatment for you.

Why Get A Sleep Apnea Test?

Sleep affects every aspect of your life and health. Beyond determining how alert you are throughout the day; sleep is a necessary biological function. Your body and brain rely on sleep to function properly. Without enough sleep or good sleep, it shows up in your life in dramatic ways.

You may feel tired, unproductive and experience brain fog. You’ll also likely experience symptoms that aren’t as obviously linked to poor sleep. These symptoms might include poor blood sugar or blood pressure control, depression, migraines or acid reflux. These health conditions are all risk factors for sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea can also increase your risk for developing other chronic and life-threatening conditions such as cardiovascular disease, stroke and heart attack to name a few.

If a Primary Care Physician or a medical professional has recommended that you see a sleep specialist for sleep apnea testing, you should seek diagnosis with a simple sleep apnea test immediately.

Other common reasons people choose to take a sleep test are:

  • Snoring (especially if you snore loudly)
  • Gasping for breath while sleeping
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Diagnosed hypertension and heart disease
  • Suspected sleep apnea
  • Insomnia (if suspected to have sleep apnea)
  • Fibromyalgia (if suspected to have sleep apnea)

A sleep test can easily diagnose sleep apnea, determine the severity, and in some cases identify the type of sleep apnea. It is also the best way to determine which treatment is right for you.

Understanding sleep apnea and its symptoms is important when choosing whether you should get a sleep apnea test. If you have one or more commonly recognized symptoms of sleep apnea seeking a diagnosis is recommended.


What Is a Sleep Apnea Test?

Sleep apnea testing takes two forms: in-lab sleep studies and in-home sleep apnea testing. Determining which test is right for you depends on a number of risk factors and pre-existing conditions.

In-Lab Sleep Study

An overnight sleep study is performed in a sleep clinic and monitors a patient while asleep. Polysomnography is the most common sleep study, and it is used for diagnosing sleep apnea. It is a non-invasive and painless test that uses sensors to examine brain waves, eye movement, heart rate, blood oxygen levels, hypopneas and apneas, and leg movements.

A certified sleep physician analyzes the results and reviews it with the patient in a follow-up appointment. If diagnosed, treatment options are discussed.

In-Home Sleep Apnea Test

A home sleep apnea test (HSAT) can quickly identify and confirm whether you’re suffering from sleep apnea. An in-home sleep apnea test is never a study. Home tests can’t rule out sleep apnea the way a sleep study can. It can only offer a confirmation diagnosis or provide a diagnosis of “inconclusive” when the test registers five or fewer incidents an hour.

However, the majority of people suspected of having obstructive sleep apnea are candidates for home sleep apnea testing.


Do You Have These Common Risk Factors Of Sleep Apnea?

Take this quick quiz to see if you have a low, medium or high risk sleep apnea profile. Easy, Fast, Secure.

What Should I Expect From a Sleep Study?

Sleep studies are comprehensive and the most reliable test for diagnosing sleep apnea. In-lab sleep studies take place overnight in a hotel-like room. Patients are encouraged to bring a book and snacks, along with anything else that would make them feel comfortable.

Trained technicians monitor patients throughout the night, and if questions or concerns arise, the patient can communicate with the technicians at any time. The process is non-invasive and comfortable.

What Should I Expect From Home Sleep Testing?

Home sleep apnea testing is affordable, fast, convenient and performed in the comfort of a patient’s home. Not everyone is a candidate, although multiple home tests are available based on an individual’s needs.


To learn more about the home sleep apnea test process, a friendly and knowledgeable Advanced Practice Providers can answer your questions.

How Much Does a Sleep Apnea Study Cost?

The cost of a sleep study varies, depending on a patient’s insurance coverage. Some policies require a home sleep apnea test to be administered before they will cover an in-center sleep study.

If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, treatment costs will also vary, but they tend to be covered by all major insurance providers.

As a non-hospital owned testing facility, Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee is able to save patients thousands of dollars out of pocket for their evaluation and sleep study.

Schedule a Sleep Study With the Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee

If you’re suffering from a lack of sleep, it might be time to schedule a consultation with us. We have more than twenty-five years of experience and perform more than 5,000 in-lab sleep studies each year.

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