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Helping people sleep is our #1 priority. As such, we focus on sleep education and sharing the latest news and research on how important it is to overall wellness, longevity and living your best life! Learn more about how to improve your sleep here.

Blog & Recent News

Helping people sleep is our #1 priority. As such, we focus on sleep education and sharing the latest news and research on how important it is to overall wellness, longevity and living your best life! Learn more about how to improve your sleep here.

A young man sleeping soundly in bed.

Why We Sleep (And Why It’s So Important to Sleep Well)

Everyone knows it’s important to get a good night’s sleep, but do you know why we need to sleep in the first place…

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Are There Home Remedies for Sleep Apnea?

Are There Home Remedies for Sleep Apnea?

It's only natural to explore potential home remedies for sleep apnea when faced with health challenges, especially if you find it challenging to adhere to your CPAP therapy.  In our pursuit of improved sleep quality and health, we often seek alternative...

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Sleep Apnea Headaches Could be Causing Your Aching Mornings

Sleep Apnea Headaches Could be Causing Your Aching Mornings

You abstained from alcohol last night; you're not under the weather, so what's the cause of those piercing headaches plaguing you every other morning? If you're baffled by the persistent, throbbing headaches that greet you almost daily, and you've ruled out common...

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Can a Deviated Septum Cause Sleep Apnea?

Can a Deviated Septum Cause Sleep Apnea?

 Have you ever wondered about the intriguing connection between a deviated septum and sleep apnea? At first glance, it might seem logical to assume that they're related, given that both conditions involve breathing during sleep.  However, the reality is a...

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Down in the Mouth? The Link between Sleep Apnea and TMJ

Down in the Mouth? The Link between Sleep Apnea and TMJ

The connection between sleep apnea and TMJ may be a lot to chew, but they're more closely connected than you may realize. Obstructive sleep apnea has been connected to many different health problems, even in places that you may not expect— like your mouth and teeth....

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The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Asthma

The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Asthma

When it comes to sleep apnea and asthma, the struggle to catch your breath becomes a shared experience.  Both breathing disorders involve disturbances in the respiratory system that can leave you gasping for breath and struggling to maintain healthy sleep...

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Sleep Apnea and AFib: What’s the Connection?

Sleep Apnea and AFib: What’s the Connection?

Sleep apnea and AFib are worrisome enough on their own, but they can be especially problematic together. The link between heart disease and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is well-known, but how does AFib figure into that equation? Before we get to the heart of the...

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The Connection Between Sleep Paralysis and Sleep Apnea

The Connection Between Sleep Paralysis and Sleep Apnea

Do you ever wake up from a nightmare only to find that you still can’t move, trapped in a state of paralysis? While sleep paralysis and sleep apnea aren’t mutually inclusive, there is a significant connection between the two sleep disorders that often go hand in hand....

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Sleep Apnea and Dental Health: Is OSA Ruining Your Teeth?

Sleep Apnea and Dental Health: Is OSA Ruining Your Teeth?

Do you ever think about how sleep affects your dental health? Sure, you may brush your teeth before bed and every morning right when you wake up, but the consequences of poor sleep on your oral health are often overlooked.  Sleep apnea's damaging effects on your...

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6 Tips for Getting Used to CPAP and Sleeping Better Every Night

6 Tips for Getting Used to CPAP and Sleeping Better Every Night

You've finally taken control of your snoring problem and have been prescribed CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy for your sleep apnea. Great job! The first step is normally the hardest. After all, being hooked up to a machine and sleeping with a mask...

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Can Sleep Apnea be Cured? Here’s What You Need to Know.

Can Sleep Apnea be Cured? Here’s What You Need to Know.

The best way to deal with sleep apnea is to not deal with it. Sometimes that’s not an option though, leading many to wonder: can sleep apnea be cured? We're all familiar with the adage “prevention is the best cure.” It's a wise statement— but sometimes prevention...

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What You Need to Know About Sleeping on Your Side

What You Need to Know About Sleeping on Your Side

What's your preferred sleeping position? A while back, we wrote an article about the best sleeping position for great sleep, where we discussed popular sleeping positions across your back, stomach, and side. But this time, we want to talk about one particular sleep...

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Can’t Sleep? How Sleep Aids and Medications Affect Sleep Apnea

Can’t Sleep? How Sleep Aids and Medications Affect Sleep Apnea

Sleeping medication might often seem like the perfect solution for your sleepless nights. While sleep aids might be a nightly routine for many, medications can have an inverse effect if you are being treated for sleep apnea.  You may have never thought about how...

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Is Sleep Apnea Genetic? What You Need to Know

Is Sleep Apnea Genetic? What You Need to Know

If one of your parents has been using a CPAP machine for years to treat their sleep apnea, you may be left wondering if sleep apnea is genetic. What exactly are the genetic factors that go into your sleep patterns and habits? A lot of what makes us what we are is...

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Sleep Apnea Symptoms In Women: How Gender Affects Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Symptoms In Women: How Gender Affects Sleep Apnea

While sleep apnea is often considered a “male” disease, sleep apnea symptoms in women are often left untreated due to a difference in symptoms and causes.  The common trope of associated with sleep apnea is a husband's loud snoring, with an exasperated wife...

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The Relationship Between Smoking, Snoring, and Sleep Apnea

The Relationship Between Smoking, Snoring, and Sleep Apnea

It’s well known that smoking causes a lot of health problems, but what’s the relationship between smoking, snoring, and sleep apnea? While public health campaigns and regulations have made smoking less popular than it once was, nearly 31 million Americans still smoke...

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Should I Go to Bed at the Same Time as My Spouse?

Should I Go to Bed at the Same Time as My Spouse?

Like other aspects of a relationship, sharing the bed can require a lot of compromises. Perhaps one partner sleeps hot while the other sleeps cold. Maybe your partner’s excessive snoring has finally beaten you, leading you to seek refuge in the family room. Maybe your...

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What You Need to Know About Sleep Apnea and Cancer Risk

What You Need to Know About Sleep Apnea and Cancer Risk

While the temporary effects of sleep apnea can lead to poor sleep, untreated sleep apnea can lead to diabetes, hypertension, and even cancer. If this is a worry of yours, you’re not alone— about 22 million Americans experience sleep apnea each year. We've talked about...

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