Blog & Recent News
Helping people sleep is our #1 priority. As such, we focus on sleep education and sharing the latest news and research on how important it is to overall wellness, longevity and living your best life! Learn more about how to improve your sleep here.
Blog & Recent News
Helping people sleep is our #1 priority. As such, we focus on sleep education and sharing the latest news and research on how important it is to overall wellness, longevity and living your best life! Learn more about how to improve your sleep here.
Why We Sleep (And Why It’s So Important to Sleep Well)
Everyone knows it’s important to get a good night’s sleep, but do you know why we need to sleep in the first place…
A Real Nightmare: The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Drowsy Driving
Drowsy driving is a serious danger on the roads— especially if you drive for a living. Like many sleep problems, undiagnosed or untreated sleep apnea is a major culprit.
How Long Should It Take to Fall Asleep? (And How to Fall Asleep Fast)
“How long should it take to fall asleep” is a question we likely ask ourselves after we’ve already been lying awake for what feels like an eternity. How often does this happen to you? You've just finished getting ready for bed, and you've finally slipped between...
Is It Bad to Exercise Before Bed? Putting The Question to Rest
How many times have you felt the motivation to exercise in the late hours of the evening but have worried if it’s too late to exercise before bed? You know you will have a burst of energy post-workout, but will that prevent you from being able to fall asleep? ...
Slow-Wave Sleep: Why It’s Essential for a Good Night’s Sleep
Slow-wave sleep is a crucial part of getting the rest you need each night, but do you know why it's so important? Sleep is a key biological function— everything in your body and your brain rely on adequate sleep to work properly. Slow-wave sleep helps to ensure that...
Yoga Nidra for Sleep: How This Ancient Practice Can Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep
While the origins of yoga date back over 5,000 years, the meditative practice has never been more popular than it is today, and its methods and uses have flourished over the millennia. Today over 36 million people throughout the United States regularly practice yoga...
Sleep Apnea Implant: What is It, Who’s Eligible, and What are the Risks?
Forty percent of American adults snore, and 80 percent of snorers have a common, but serious sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). While OSA is a very common sleep disorder, it often goes undiagnosed. Even children can have sleep apnea, called pediatric...
Sleep Apnea Treatment Without CPAP? When to Try Alternative Therapies to CPAP
Many patients ask if CPAP is the only treatment option for obstructive sleep apnea. Patients sitting across from a sleep specialist getting the news that they have sleep apnea, often envision nights wearing a mask connected to a large, loud, uncomfortable, and...
Sleep Apnea and Insomnia: How These Common Sleep Disorders Can Be a Deadly Combination
About 70 million American adults experience chronic sleep problems and poor sleep each year. Common sleep problems include serious sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and insomnia. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), often identified by the sound of...
What Causes Insomnia? 7 Reasons You May Have Trouble Sleeping
We've all had nights like these— you toss and turn, unable to sleep for hours and before you know it, you can hear the birds outside mocking you as the sun shines through your window. You stretch, yawn, and sigh— another sleepless night. There's no debate that a good...
What is Your Circadian Rhythm And How Can It Affect Sleep Apnea?
Each day, every single person on Earth lives according to a set schedule. It starts when you wake up and ends when you go to sleep, starting again the very next day. Changes to this normal routine can and often do happen, but it's easy to get back on track again as...
A Real Brain Drain: Sleep Deprivation and Its Effects on The Brain
How often do you wake up feeling tired and worn out, even after a full night's sleep? Everyone has felt the effects of lost sleep and sleep deprivation at some point, leaving many to wonder about its lasting impacts and potential solutions. For some people, sleep loss...
The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Stroke Risk: What You Need to Know
As you get older, do you ever feel more aware of your health? Maybe you think about things like "Should I choose the salad instead of the burger?" "Did I remember to get my flu shot?" "Should I be worried about these symptoms?" If you've been thinking about that last...
Can Sleep Apnea Cause a Heart Attack? The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease
Do you or a loved one suffer from sleep apnea or sleep-disordered breathing, causing symptoms like loud snoring? Snoring is more than an annoyance for your bed partner at night— it’s often the sign of something far more serious. Snoring is one of many major signs of...
What is the Best Sleeping Position for Great Sleep?
It's a well-known fact that people spend one-third of their lives sleeping, but for as much time as you spend sleeping, how much do you think about your sleeping position? There's a lot more to sleep than you may expect— we don't just get comfortable in bed, fall...
How To Get Over Your Afternoon Slump Without Caffeine
Everyone knows what it feels like to be productive in the morning at work with lots of energy— and then the afternoon slump hits after lunch. During the afternoon slump you can’t focus, feel sluggish, and are ready to call it a day hours before it’s time to wrap it...
Allergies and Sleep Apnea: Finding Relief During Allergy Season
With the arrival of spring, you’re likely welcoming the longer sunny days, but for many, the return of warmer weather means it’s allergy season. Allergies can affect your quality of life. Quite often allergies or their treatment can lead to feelings of extreme...
The Surprising Connection Between Sleep And Mental Health
Public awareness of mental health struggles has made leaps and bounds in the last few years, but have you ever considered how your mental health can affect your sleep and vice versa? Twenty-five percent of Americans suffer from insomnia each year— in fact, it's one of...
The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Hormones
Sleep apnea and hormones are more closely connected than you may realize. Hormones are a vital part of healthy sleep, and a good night's sleep is vital to healthy hormone production. However, even with proper sleep hygiene (meaning you have a great sleep routine...
Which Hormones Affect Sleep? 5 Hormones to Know About
There are dozens of different hormones that work together in your body to help keep you healthy inside and out. But of the many hormones in your body, which hormones affect sleep? You may be familiar with one or two hormones affecting your sleep, but some may surprise...
Hormones and Sleep: How Sleep Affects Your Hormones
Even just one night of poor sleep can make you feel awful. Not only are you exhausted and often cranky the next morning, but you may just feel "off" and you’re really not exactly sure why. This sense of imbalance is most likely thanks to your hormones, or...