5 Tips to Get Your Kids to Sleep on Christmas Eve

by | Last updated Apr 14, 2020

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With all the excitement of Christmas morning, it can be difficult to get kids to settle down and sleep on Christmas Eve. But the Christmas afternoon meltdowns can be avoided. Let’s explore the top 5 tips to get your kids to sleep on Christmas Eve!

How To Get Your Kids To Sleep on Christmas Eve

The Sleep Specialists at Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee are parents too! Here are some of their favorite tip and tricks to help your kids to get to bed, stay in and fall asleep on the greatest night of the year.

How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?

Christmas Eve Sleep Tip # 1 – Stay Active During the Day

Even if you’re busy with last minute Christmas preparations, scheduling activities the day before Christmas can help tire out your kids and make them more ready for bed when the time comes.

Fun Christmas Eve Activities:

  • Encourage your children to play outside or play active games indoors.
  • Have a neighbor or family member take the children on a walk if you are too busy.
  • If there is snow on the ground, build snowmen or have a snowball fight!

There is always a way to get some exercise, even if it doesn’t feel like exercise.

Christmas Eve Sleep Tip # 2 – A Warm Bath Or Shower

A relaxing bath or shower right before bedtime can help calm everyone down and get the bedtime routine rolling so children know that it’s time to settle down.

Stick to your normal bedtime routine so that it seems like a normal day, even though it’s not.

Christmas Eve Sleep Tip # 3 – Send Them To Bed Early

It may take a little longer than usual for your children to get to sleep. Giving them a little extra time to do so may help.

Relaxing Night Time Suggestions

  • Read a book or story time
  • Play with low-stimuli toys
  • Dim the lights or turn on a night light projector
  • Turn on white noise or reduce sounds to a minimum

Each of these suggestions will help your kiddos nod off, and will give you time to relax too.

Christmas Eve Sleep Tip # 4 – Reroute to the Bedroom

If your child comes to you during the night, take them back to their bed. Give them some suggestions of things to think about to keep their minds off of Christmas.

If they are really having trouble sleeping, try cuddling with them for a few minutes. Seeing you relaxed and ready to sleep will help them do the same.

Christmas Eve Sleep Tip # 5 – Set A Time To Open Presents

To keep your kids in bed a little longer, and to avoid an afternoon crash, set a specific time for opening presents. This will keep your kids from waking you up at 4:30 a.m.

Set an alarm in their room so they know when they can come to wake you up. Let them know the exact time you will be opening presents so they can try to fall back asleep if they wake up before it’s time.

What To Avoid On Christmas Eve

  • Don’t let children sleep together unless they normally do. Children sleeping together will be more likely to talk and keep each other awake.
  • Don’t add additional stress by telling them that Santa can’t come unless they’re sleeping. Just encourage them to get some rest so they can enjoy the next day.

If the excitement of Christmas is still too much for your children to get a good night’s sleep, don’t panic. Schedule downtime for rest on Christmas day so your children can enjoy their gifts before taking an afternoon nap. Chances are, you might need a nap too!

Sleep Should Be One of Your New Year’s Resolutions 

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