What To Expect As A Patient
We’ve been helping people fall asleep, stay asleep, and get better sleep for 30 years.
When you become a patient, we’re committed to providing you with the best possible care. Your experience with us begins with a thorough consultation and evaluation, followed by proper diagnosis and best in class treatment of sleep disorders, and ongoing follow-up.
We’re here for you, every step of the way.
1. Consultation and Evaluation
During your initial consultation, a certified sleep specialist Advanced Practice Provider will perform a thorough evaluation.
Your personal history, symptoms, routines, medical issues, and physical features (noted for sleep apnea) will be discussed to help determine the cause of your sleep issues and identify any disorders.
Part of the evaluation process may include an in-lab sleep study or home sleep apnea test. Your sleep study will either be scheduled and carried out at one of our state-of-the-art sleep labs or coordinated with the sleep center for an at-home test rental.
2. Diagnosis
We perform 6,000 sleep studies a year and have been diagnosing sleep disorders for over 30 years. After your initial consultation and evaluation, the results are reviewed as part of an interdisciplinary team meeting. This is to ensure all aspects of your results are thoroughly reviewed.
Specialties involved may include (but are not limited to): pulmonology, otolaryngology, oral surgery, orthodontics, psychology, respiratory therapy, and nursing. Once your results are assessed, appropriate treatment recommendations will be made.
3. Treatment
Treatment is formulated based on your individual diagnosis and unique needs.
We design your treatment protocols solely with you in mind. Our team of multidisciplinary, board-certified specialists is skilled at efficiently implementing the most effective treatment to correct your sleep problem.
Treatment will be implemented quickly but involves your long term commitment to care. We’re committed to helping you reach your sleep goals, and we’re here for you every step of the way. Together, we’ll get the results you seek.
4. Follow-Up Care
Part of effective treatment means consistent and thorough follow-up to ensure you receive optimal treatment.
Your follow-up appointments are usually conducted at the sleep clinic and with the appropriate specialist, but you can also expect phone calls from our office to check-in and gather feedback.
We encourage all patients to continue their follow-up appointments until a stable resolution of your sleep symptoms. Follow-up appointments are available on an unlimited, as-needed basis.
Talk to someone about your sleep
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