Top 5 CPAP Problems and How to Fix Them

A CPAP machine can be life-changing if you have sleep apnea, but it’s not always smooth sailing. Many people encounter various issues that make it challenging to adjust to and stick with CPAP therapy.

In fact, statistics are grim. Only 40-50% of patients at the end of year one are still using the CPAP machine they were prescribed because inspiratory pressure feels too high.

Blasting inspiratory air in the face all night long leads to uncomfortable side effects that discourage nightly use.

But don’t give up! Sleep apnea, when left untreated, is a dangerous condition that can lead to numerous health issues, including heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the most common complaints CPAP users face and offer practical solutions to help you overcome these hurdles.

Issue 1: Getting Used to the Mask

Problem: Adjusting to a CPAP mask can initially feel challenging. You might find the sensation of the mask on your face to be awkward and uncomfortable, which can make it difficult to fall asleep.

It’s not uncommon to feel frustrated or discouraged, especially when the mask feels intrusive or disrupts your bedtime routine.

Solution: Getting used to your CPAP mask takes time and patience, but you can make the adjustment period easier.

Start by wearing your mask during the day while you’re doing something relaxing, like reading a book, watching TV, or just sitting quietly.

This helps your body and mind get accustomed to the feel of the mask without the pressure of trying to fall asleep.

Gradually increase the amount of time you wear the mask each day. Over time, it will start to feel more natural and become easier to wear throughout the night.

Remember, persistence is key! Stick with it, and soon, wearing the mask will become a habit, making your CPAP therapy much more effective and your sleep much more restful.

Issue 2: The Feeling of Inspiratory Air Pressure

Problem: One of the most common complaints among new CPAP users is the overwhelming sensation of inspiratory air pressure during treatment.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re being blasted with air every time you inhale, then you know this feeling all too well.

Solution: There are several strategies to help you get accustomed to inspiratory air pressure. Start by using the “ramp” feature on your CPAP machine. This feature gradually increases the air pressure over a set period, allowing you to fall asleep before the pressure reaches its prescribed level.

Another helpful tip is to practice using the CPAP machine while awake, such as during relaxation time in the evening. This can help your body get used to the sensation in a non-stressful setting.

Easing CPAP Discomfort with V-Com™

Using a comfort device like V-Com™ can significantly improve your experience. This non-prescription comfort device reduces the intensity of the airflow when you inhale, making it feel softer and more natural.

After adding V-Com™ to their CPAP machine, one patient shared, “The inspiratory airflow felt softer. Once it was explained to me that it’s the outgoing expiratory pressure that is the therapy, not the inspiratory pressure, and I didn’t need to get blasted with air at night, it made all of the difference!”

V-Com™ is easy to install, requires no prescription, and works with all CPAP devices. At Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee, we highly recommend V-Com™ because it has been shown to improve patient comfort and increase CPAP usage time.

Issue 3: The Wrong Size or Style Mask

Problem: A common frustration with CPAP therapy is dealing with a mask that just doesn’t fit right. An ill-fitting mask might cause air leaks, which can be loud, incredibly annoying, and disrupt your sleep.

The discomfort of a mask that digs into your skin or shifts around during the night can also make it hard to stick with your treatment.

Plus, if your mask isn’t fitting well, it’s not going to be as effective in keeping your airways open, which defeats the whole purpose of using a CPAP machine.

Solution: Finding the right mask is crucial for your comfort and the effectiveness of your treatment.

CPAP masks, such as nasal masks, full-face masks, and nasal pillows, come in various styles to suit different preferences and needs.

We find most patients get effective treatment and are most comfortable with nasal pillows. There are some instances when a full-face or nasal mask is recommended, though.

In our experience working with thousands of patients each year, when a full-face or nasal mask is recommended, the problem isn’t often the mask itself. Rather, the discomfort is the effect of high inspiratory airflow and pressure.

Higher inspiratory pressure causes air leakage. To stop the leak nasal straps are tightened. This causes soreness around the nose and mouth, pressing too tightly against the face, and around the ears where the straps are too tight.

In this instance, testing a comfort device like V-Com™ to reduce the leakage and reduce the need to overly tighten the mask may be the easiest and most affordable solution.

It’s worth taking the time to consult with your healthcare provider or CPAP supplier to test V-Com™ or experiment with different styles and sizes to find the perfect fit.

Issue 4: Dry Mouth and Stuffy Nose

Problem: One of the frustrations you might face with CPAP therapy is waking up with a dry mouth and a stuffy nose. This uncomfortable side effect can make you dread using your CPAP machine, which is the last thing you need when trying to treat sleep apnea.

Solution: First, check the fit of your mask. Ensuring that your mask fits snugly (but not too tight) can reduce air leaks and help alleviate both a dry mouth and a stuffy nose.

Reducing inspiratory airflow with V-Com™ can also decrease the likelihood that your mouth will open naturally while sleeping, leading to a dry mouth.

If you’re still experiencing these issues even after testing a comfort device like V-Com™ or making sure your mask fits properly, consider using a nasal saline spray before bedtime. This can help keep your nasal passages moist and reduce congestion.

Another effective solution is to use a CPAP machine with a built-in humidifier.

Adding moisture to the air you breathe can prevent your mouth from drying out and keep your nasal passages comfortable. Adjusting the humidity settings on your machine to find the right level can make a big difference.

Remember, finding the right fit and settings may take some trial and error, but it’s worth it for a comfortable and effective CPAP therapy experience.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need additional help adjusting your equipment.

Issue 5: Noisy Machine

Problem: A noisy CPAP machine can be incredibly bothersome, disrupting your sleep and potentially your partner’s sleep as well. The constant hum or whoosh of air can make it hard to drift off, leaving you frustrated and tired despite using your CPAP.

Solution: There are several ways to ensure your CPAP machine runs quietly.

First, make sure the air filter is clean and unblocked. Regularly replacing old filters can significantly reduce noise and improve the machine’s efficiency.

If the noise persists, consider using a white noise machine to mask the sound, or try wearing earplugs. White noise can create a soothing background hum that drowns out the CPAP noise.

Another option to consider is using V-Com™. V-Com™ helps reduce the noise associated with CPAP therapy by softening the inspiratory air pressure, making the overall experience quieter for both you and your bed partner. This is because you’re not being flooded with air that is trying to find a way out and causing a noisy air leak.

It’s also worth noting that some CPAP models are quieter than others. If your machine continues to be a noisy nuisance, consult with your provider about switching to a quieter model. 

Overcoming  Common CPAP Challenges

Sticking with CPAP therapy is crucial for effectively treating sleep apnea and improving your overall health. The key is to stay consistent and not give up, even when you encounter challenges.

Products like V-Com™ can be incredibly helpful, offering a variety of benefits such as reducing inspiratory air pressure, minimizing noise, improving mask seal, and enhancing overall comfort.

Finding the right setup might take some time and a bit of trial and error, but don’t get discouraged. Keep experimenting with different adjustments and tools until you find what works best for you.

With a little patience and persistence, you can overcome the common hurdles of CPAP therapy and finally enjoy the restful, rejuvenating sleep you deserve.
Please refer to our CPAP equipment and supplies page for further details on how to place an order for your CPAP or BiPAP equipment in person or by telephone.


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If you're a current patient between the ages of 18-79 and compliant on CPAP, you may be eligible for a research opportunity. For more details please call Janice at 615-893-4896 x 139 or Leah at 615-893-4896 x 127